How to Set and Execute your Goals


Here's a quick tip for planning your goals AND executing them as well (y'know, the most important part).

1. First, write out where you want to be in one year. Don't worry about HOW you're going to get there, just write it down! 

For example, let’s say in a year you want to gain 100,000 followers on TikTok. Don’t worry about where you’re going to find 100,000 people to follow you, just write it down.

2. Next, break 1 year down into 3-month intervals and then set smaller goals that lead towards the larger end goal. Now you’ll have 4 different checkpoints throughout the year to keep you on track.

Continuing with the TikTok example, this is what your three-month checkpoints would look like:

In 3 months: 25,000 followers

In 6 months: 50,000 followers

In 9 months: 75,000 followers

In 12 months (your big goal): 100,000 followers

3. Now that you’ve identified these clear checkpoints it’s time to go even further. At the beginning of each week, start setting goals you want to accomplish by the weekend. Keep in mind, of course, that every weekly goal you set has to be moving you forward towards your three-month checkpoint.

Back to the TikTok example, if you know you want to grow 25,000 followers in three months then it’d be wise to set a posting schedule. So your weekly goal could be that you’re going to post 5 videos by the end of the week.

4. Finally, you're going to break it down even more! First thing in the morning, set a few goals for your day. These should lead you to the path of completing the weekly goals you've set. Remember: always ask yourself what you can do that day to move you forward.

If your weekly goal is to post 5 videos by the end of the week, then a few goals for the day could look like this:

  1. Search TikTok for inspiration

  2. Save 5 sounds that you like

  3. Post one video using a sound that you saved

  4. Brainstorm 4 other video ideas

5. By taking your BIG yearly goal day by day, you help remove a lot of the stress. Sure, you might want to launch a course by 2022, but today all you need to do is compile a list of online course development tools. No big deal!

Before this method, writing down my goals was more like wishful thinking. Now, I'm setting actionable steps that I can track! 

Don't just plan! Execute.


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